Am 11.06.2017 um 01:35 schrieb Tobias Wendorff:
Hi there!

I'm experiencing an unexpected behavior. Before filing a bug, could
anyone please test this?

I'm using v2.18.9-10, but I also had this problem on normal stable;
additionally, I'm using GRASS 7.2.1.

I've drawn a random linestring across Germany in EPSG:25832 (UTM32N):
LineString (452926.428 5430258.436, 474353.217 5556034.254,
651518.642 5480403.767, 768696.380 5642150.589,
716125.982 5713907.693, 797502.108 5831380.482).

Let's try the GRASS tool "v.split.vert". I've set the numbers of
vertices to "2" and I'm outputting the result to temporary layer.

The temp layer suddenly gets a custom CRS: USER:100000 and OTF
gets activated. The CRS is equal to UTM32N, but I guess, this
behavior isn't correct...

If you save the Linestring to a shapefile with EPSG:32632, it runs correctly.

It seems that GRASS gets confused over the similar WKT definitions .

André Joost

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