On 27-10-17 11:07, Chris Buckmaster wrote:
> Hi
> I have noticed that when adding in layer definition files they appear to
> be added to the bottom of the layer list by default in QGIS (using
> 2.18.13); I am wondering if this is for a reason or just how the
> software currently deals with these layers?
> Ideally it would be good for these to be drawn at the top or how the
> other layers act (i.e if you have a layer active then the new layer
> appears above / below this).
> I am not sure if it is just me or not but I am wondering if this is how
> the lyr files do act?

Confirmed here (also in Master).

Though I do not use them that much, I think the behaviour should be the
same as 'normal' layers which (I think) is:
- add layer above current selected layer
- add layer in layer group if the current is a group (and make that
layer current)

I think it is worth to create an issue for this.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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