Hi all,

QGIS community meeting has started in Madeira !

As part of the event, we have some meetings scheduled (see link above).
I initially wanted to have a meeting on how to improve release
management, the way we deal with user expectations and associated
topics, but I think it is the opportunity to have a more general
brainstorming session.

I propose to do a collaborative SWOT analysis of the project, to see if
we can see some emerging patterns needing actions from the community.

SWOT [1] is simple yet interesting : four areas in a 2x2 matrix, where
you can write the items you think are important in terms of :
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats

You have to consider what is helpful to achieve the objective of the
project, what is harmful, if it has an internal origin, or external origin.

We have a big paper hanging in the meeting's room. Everyone is invited
to add post-its to it with their items in the right square. Feel free to
add your own, change or modify them later on, discuss items with
others.. It is a basis for reflection and discussion.

If you are remote, do not hesitate to drop a virtual post-it note and we
will put it on the paper. You can use IRC [2], the gitter channel [3],
or answer to this email.

Be concise, but do not censor yourself ! All voices are good to hear,
raise yours !

We will have a meeting at the community meeting on Friday 16:00 local
time, to discuss about the items gathered, try to summarize some ideas
and then write a report.

Do not hesitate to ask any question regarding this exercise, and let's
get started :-)


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWOT_analysis
[2] #qgis on freenode ( http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#qgis )
[3] https://gitter.im/qgis/hackfest
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