I am not sure to understand but you can build a virtual raster (but I think you 
tried that?). I think there is a plugin also that can give you more options.  
If not, you can use  command line to make sure you have the exact order of the 
files. The order of the files are from bottom to top except for null pixels.  
QGIS 2.x gave you more options then QGIS 3.  :(.  

> Le 21 juin 2018 à 09:32, Joep Orbons <j.orb...@archeopro.nl> a écrit :
> Using QGIS 2.14.3 Essen at Windows 10 Prof. 
> Being rather new to QGIS but not to GIS, I'm still trying to find my way in 
> the  QGIS system. 
> I can "Add Raster Layer" to show a raster. Multiple raster, no problem, they 
> all fit nicely. 
> When I select one of the rasters in the "Layers Panel", I can select "Layer" 
> "Save as" as a geotiff with VRT options and parameters. It results in a nice 
> series of tiles. 
> But how do I make one series of tiles for multiple rasters? 
> I tried "Raster" "Merge" to make multiple rasters into one big raster. But my 
> rasters are large, spanning a huge area. So making them into one large raster 
> is not an option. 
> What options can I use to make the multiple rasters into a series of tiles, 
> respecting the order of the files as they are in the "Layers Panel"?
> Thank,
> Joep 
> ----------------------------------------------------
> drs. ing. Joep Orbons
> Senior Archeoloog, Senior Specialist Geofysica
> St Jozefstraat 45, 6245 LL Eijsden
> Tel: +31 43 3672586
> email: j.orb...@archeopro.nl 
> Web: www.archeopro.nl
> ----------------------------------------------------
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