On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 at 06:10, Roy Marsh <roymars...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry if this has been answered previously, and the question is rather basic, 
> but anyway...
> I am running QGIS 2.18.12
> I am trying to import a number of e00 files (I can't remember the source), 
> but none of the QGIS options work, raster or vector.
> Grass Tools seem promising, specifically v.in.e00, but it can't find 
> e00.conv, so finishes with error
> I found and downloaded the eecompr.1.0.1 package that includes ee00conv,  but 
> it seems I have to actually build the ee00conv executable. I am already out 
> of my comfort zone and this is just too much for me.
> I would appreciate advice. All I want to do is import some files. Maybe just 
> a couple of good links.

I've tried a couple of e00 files in 3.2 and they all open directly by
dragging and dropping on the QGIS window, or through the "add vector
layer" dialog.

Super slow though - you'll want to save those out to a more usable format asap!

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