Hi Bob,

Yes, that would be a really nice enhancement. Unfortunately, there was
still no-one there to put it high enough up in the priority list to
allocate the resources and make this come true.

I could imagine that it works with making a virtual field that concats
the parts of the pk and define that as reference. But it's a wild guess
and nothing that has been tested to my knowledge.

Best regards


On 07/10/2018 01:47 PM, Bob and Deb wrote:
> Hello All,
> About 4 years ago, I submitted a feature request
> <https://issues.qgis.org/issues/9531> to have QGIS Relations work with
> composite keys.  I see that QGIS has changed a lot since that time, so
> I am hopeful that there is at least a way to work around this problem?
> Thank you,
> Bob
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