On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 at 23:15, Micha Silver <tsvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andreas:
> I had a chance to import some DWG files. Seems to be working nicely. I tried 
> with some old (ACAD2000) version and some newer ones and all were correctly 
> imported, with layer coloring, hatches, blocks, etc,  as far as I could see.
> Here are some issues that I noticed:
> There must be no "unusual" characters or spaces in name of the DWG file, or 
> the full path to the file. The file name and full path need to be only ASCII.

Looks like https://issues.qgis.org/issues/18576

> Drag from the Browser panel does not seem to work (Invalid layer reported 
> from GDAL)

That's not supported, as drag from browser will attempt to read the
DWG directly as a map layer and skip the import process.

> The conversion to gpkg is somewhat slow (one file, 7MB took about 25 minutes 
> to load, and grew to 56MB !) but there's no visual indication that it is 
> progressing. DWG files with XREF's also take a long time. What you get is the 
> "Not responding" message in the DWG Import window.  If you have patience :-) 
> it eventually finishes successfully. It would be preferable to see some 
> progress bar.

What we really need here is to move the import to a background task --
the couple of times I've tried to import DWG I've given up as it
looked like the application had locked. I took a quick look at the
code and it should be relatively straightforward to move this to a
background task.

> When opening the DWG Import window, the settings from the previous import are 
> still there (even if you close and reopen QGIS). If you leave the same gpkg 
> filename as the previous import, it is overwritten, without any warning. I 
> think it would be better to have both text boxes, "Geopackage" and  
> "Drawing", empty every time the window opens. And an overwrite warning would 
> also be good.

An overwrite warning is definitely necessary! Can you please file a
bug report for this?

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