Hi Reginald,

There is an issue (bug) in QGIS server 3.4.x  - that you cannot yet request a top layer (I mean the one top layer coming from the project). Instead you have to request a group or leaf layer.

A fix for that is coming soon - but perhaps you ran into this issue.

As to debugging: have you looked into the QGIS server log file? See https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_ogc/server/config.html#logging - if you choose log level 0, you should get a lot of information - see also https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_ogc/server/config.html#qgis-server-log-level



Am 16.01.19 um 09:11 schrieb Reginald:

When I try to make a new project for qgis server in QGIS 3.4.3 I get
following error:

  Opvragen kaart mislukt [Fout: Error transferring
- server replied: Bad Request; URL:

Older projects made with a previous QGIS version still work as expected.
Has something changed in the way that webservices should be made?
I tried making a service with spatialite layers and with postgis layers but
no succes on QGIS 3.4.3.
How can I debug the service? When I use 'test configuration' everything is


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