On 20/02/2019 18.42, Apoyo Carbono wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I was trying to Add a layer .geojson. It  was created with MapiGIS App.
> When, I Added  it in QGIS 3.4 and I see this error: 
> /Invalid Data Source: D:/ERROR_QGIS/Points_duda.geojson is not a valid
> or recognized data source. /
> /
> /
> And, the same error appears in the version 2.18.28 available right now
> (February 20th of 2019)  when I Added   layer .geojson.
> Do you know why is the reason behind this error? Could you give me a
> solution, please?

Well, if both QGIS versions fail to load it, I would think it is as the
error tells you: not a valid geojson file.

Can you share the data? (parts of it? It is a text file, be sure to sent
both the start, and and some features).

Else does a site as http://geojson.io/ open your file?


Richard Duivenvoorde
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