On 2/21/19 08:50, Groene Bij wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using qgis and qgis2web to produce webmaps. Each layer is stored as a
> javascript file containing the geojson data. This contains the geometry and
> the attributions.
> When publicly publishing the webmap I want people to view the map. But I
> also want to protect the map data (geometry and attributions) from being
> copied. It's my time and effort to produce the map (geometry and
> attributions) and I don't mind people viewing it, but I do mind if map data
> is being copied.
> When I set the file permissions to 640, the webmap will not show. If I set
> it to 644, the geojson data file is easily found (the index.html shows you
> where it is stored) and then copied.
> Are there other ways to easily host and publicly show webmaps but keep the
> actual data protected?

The only way to achieve that is to rasterize the output map. This is
basically what a WMS, or Tile server does. If you output your QGIS
project as a GeoTiff layer I believe Openlayers would allow you to setup
a map. But otherwise using QGIS Server, Geoserver or Mapserver, etc, to
serve your map in raster/tile would be the way to go.

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