On Fri, 28 Feb 2020 at 03:56, Randal Hale
<rjh...@northrivergeographic.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I received an email from two users with 3.12 asking about "Ballpark 
> Transformations" - the exact phrase was "Used a Ballpark transformation from 
> EPSG:4326 to EPSG: 2274".
> I've been able to generate the message twice by:
> changing the projection of a new project with no data from 4326 to 2274
> adding data with an incorrect spatial extent that I believe was in 4326 and 
> applied to a project in 2274 (I think - I currently don't have access to that 
> data to confirm)

Any chance you could file a bug report with a process I can use to
reproduce this? I'll look into it if you can...

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