Hi Dave,

Concerning Option B.

Use the "Add Shapefile" menu, not "New Shapefile" menu.

The former one adds an existing shapefile to your QGIS project. The later one creates a new empty file (and hence asks you if you want to overwrite the existing one with data).

Best regards


On 4/24/20 3:27 AM, Dave Kimble wrote:

With a clean install of Ubuntu-20.04, I downloaded qgis from the Ubuntu repository.

This is qgis-3.10.4-A .  During the installation I was asked if I wanted my old settings preserved, I said No.

I get different results depending on how I proceed.

A. If I open the application and choose the blank project, add New Shapefile Layer and navigate to "DCDB.shp" I get "The layer already exists, overwrite ?" (which seems wrong for a blank project), answer Cancel. The input file DCDB.shp is written to a file size of 100 bytes from 9.8 MB. This is exactly the same as the problem I was having before, which I eventually gave up on.

B. If I don't open qgis, but simply double-click on "DCDB.shp", it opens qgis and loads the layer, which renders correctly. I can change the polygons' colours based on the TENURE field. I can save the project and close, but on reopening qgis, my project is not presented. If I navigate to the newly created ./gis/Lot11.qgz it opens as a blank project with no layers.

At qgis.org I see that you released qgis-3.12 on 17 April 2020, less than a week before Ubuntu-20.04 was due to be released.

At https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#debian-ubuntu , I cannot understand what you mean by "To have newer versions, you have to add alternative software repositories, by adding one of the deb-lines below to your /etc/apt/sources.list file." There are no deb lines below. There are 15 URLs.

Please help.


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