On 7/27/20 6:11 PM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hi All,
> Somebody shows me a project in which there is one layer with 61 classes 
> (Categorized styling: fauna species), the user wants to analyze one specie at 
> a time, so I proposed: toggle the species-classes off first, and then one by 
> one enable them to do your visual analysis...
> But... I could not find a way to toggle visibility of all classes (in one 
> layer) in one go? 
> The little icons in the Layers panel only work for layers and layer groups, 
> but not for the little check-boxes in front of the classes.
> Anybody a clever idea for this?

Ah Duh, user found it...

Right click in the layer panel next to a class and you get (in the colors 
context menu an option 'Show all items' and 'Toggle all items'...

Silly we both could not find this earlier...


Richard Duivenvoorde
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