
To me this sounds like you want to set up a relation and define forms with relation reference and relation widgets (with or without embedded forms).

In the project settings you can define relations between tables and once you have defined them, they appear in the forms section of the involved layers.

But as others have pointed out, you probably want (or need) a proper database, like PostgreSQL. If you have setup your relations in this database, QGIS will autodetect them and you can directly use them in your forms.



Am 13.11.20 um 16:58 schrieb L.W.:

I add a Point on map, the attribute-editor opens and I give some Data to it.


I want to add a foreign-Key id, but can not add a search-form in this
gui. so my idea was to search in the foreign table with a search-term
and get the id of the found row.

with this id I can add the new point.

my biggest problem, I do not like python as much ... I can write
'python' but none line of code ;-)

Am 13.11.2020 um 16:52 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:
Please describe your use-case more specific.

What is the end result you want:
- a location?
- a value of a record (but not the one you search for?

Can you use the filter function in the table? And maybe dock the table as a dockwidget?
Can you implement a 'locator' yourself (python coding)?
Or else write a small plugin for this?



On 11/13/20 4:43 PM, L.W. wrote:
and this is the point:

"With f @columname you search in the values of 'columname' in current
active layer"

I do want to search every time independant of the active layer ... and
the search-field is not the result-field I need.

Am 13.11.2020 um 16:37 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:
Have a look in the settings/configure (right mouse context in the locator bar).

With f ... you search in current active layer
With f @columname you search in the values of 'columname' in current active layer

(same with 'af' but then for all layers)
See https://docs.qgis.org/3.16/en/docs/user_manual/introduction/qgis_configuration.html#locator-settings

Hope this helps


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 11/13/20 4:30 PM, L.W. wrote:
no, I have never used it, but, there are a hugh list of layers in my project and it seemed that I can not search in a specific layer.

I only need result of one field displayed in a text field.

Am 13.11.2020 um 16:24 schrieb Jorge Gustavo Rocha:
Hi L.W.,

You already have a search toolbar, at the lower left corner. There are several search options. Have you tried them?


Jorge Gustavo

Às 14:39 de 13/11/20, L.W. escreveu:

is there a default option / way to have a textfield for searching in a
layer at the toolbar (or dock-window)? Ill like to get the
"fieldname"-value of the found dataset / attribute.


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