
It's just the Z factor needed when you make a hillshade when the x an y are in degrees and the z is in feet or meters (like SRTM). You can see it if you choose Hillshade under symbology / render type (for a raster layer).  It's basically the length of a degree in meters for latitude.



On 2020-11-27 12:08 a.m., Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
On 11/27/20 5:28 AM, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
I want to learn to make a QGIS plugin and I was wondering if anybody new if 
there is a QGIS plugin or tool that calculates the z factor for a particular 
latitude? I thought this would be an easy project to start with but I don't 
want to duplicate someone else's work.
Hi Nicolas,

What do you mean with "calculates the z factor for a particular latitude"?

- z-factor as in x,y,z?
- Do you mean based on a crs/datum? So more proj-based?
- Or do you mean based on a known dataset with not enough z-info? So more 
- Raster? Vector?
- Creating a new dataset (processing)? Or just reporting for one lat 

Just trying to get an idea of your idea :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

Nicolas Cadieux

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