Having some sort of way to include a readily-accessible text description for each layer (such that all such descriptions would be saved with a project) would be a godsend. I'm finding it's almost easier to recreate something from near-scratch than to try to follow/remember what I did to obtain the layers in a project I haven't looked at for even a few days. It would be even more useful if, for instance, a new layer created by an operation had a description that was prefilled with e.g. "Layer generated by union of layer XXX and layer YYY."

On 1/31/21 11:47 PM, Nyall Dawson wrote:
Hi all,

I've just submitted a new QGIS enhancement proposal detailing support
for user created "notes" for map layers. You can read the details
here: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/206

I'm after feedback on this proposal and am trying to determine how
widespread the use-case is, and how desirable it is to have this
functionality available in QGIS out-of-the-box (vs as a plugin).

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