On 4/11/21 9:24 PM, Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi
> While digitizing  I want to use keyboard arrow up/down. But the are on the 
> right side of my keyboard.
> How can I assign WADS keys as up/down ect.

Hi Lene,

I think(!) these are hardcoded:


so you cannot change them using 'Settings / Keyboard Shortcuts' (?).

Most actions using keyboard shortcuts are rea 'QActions' so attached to the 
real activating of an QAction. Your key-clicks are more 'helper' keys, calling 
mapCanvas.setCenter ...?

Maybe a dev can answer the question: IS it possible to put these kind of 
PressEvents in the list of Keyboard Shortcuts?

Else maybe something is possible on Operating System level, but that is 
probably too much...


Richard Duivenvoorde

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