Dear Fred,
have transferred your question to a separate topic, because it would
probably get lost in the other topic where you posted your question. 

So, you maybe got quite far with the georeferencing process, but did not
complete it ?
Suppose, you have tried it with the Georeferencer in the Raster menu and
loaded a raster file. Then you assigned the referencing point by first
clicking on the aerial photo and then one from the map canvas as the
reference, then cklicked OK, repeatedly for serveral points distributed on
the aerial map, I guess. 

Did you make any transformation settings like transformation type,
resampling method, srs and perhaps an output file name ? You can check the
box in the last line of the settings dialog to let the referenced raster
load into your project when referencing process is done. You need to start
the georeferencing process with a cklick ohn the *green triangle button*
(start georeferencing) or with menu *File > Start Georeferencing*. 

Regards, Christine

Re: Editing attribute tanle
Apr 11, 2021; 8:58pm — by Fred Meek Fred Meek


I am a newbee to using qgis 3.16.4

I am trying to georeference old aerial photos on modern maps.  I am getting
the coordinates by clicking on a location on the aerial photo and then the
same location on a map brought in from the web.  The points generated appear
to be good.

The problem is when I go to the raster on my computer and add it to the map
it is not georeferenced. 

Can someone explain how to get the raster displayed on the map

Thanks, Fred

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