Hi all,

I like to use epsg.io website to identify unknown coordinate system.

I really like the way you can identify specific points of interest on a map and how you can check its coordinates with different SCR... Very usefull

Nicolas Devaux

Gis teacher

Le 24/05/2021 à 14:30, jean Lukusa a écrit :
Hi all.
Someone(a non-scientist ) has sent me a point coordinates in UTM
So I want to know how to identify its UTM zone.

X 551000
Y 8733000

Jean Lukusa
B.Sc. Geology
Trained on Jorc  Code
GIS  Operator

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L'Institut Agro <https://www.montpellier-supagro.fr>

Nicolas DEVAUX

Ingénieur formateur en géomatique

Ingénieur pédagogique - Option ESE

+33 (0)4 99 61 25 45  |

nicolas.dev...@supagro.fr <mailto:nicolas.dev...@supagro.fr>

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