Hi There!

I like the handy feature to present/deliver project files as templates on the 
welcome page at QGIS startup [see 0,1] and I do so via a centralized 
projectTemplateDir. My idea is to have a kind of map switcher pane, like most 
webgis clients offer.

Now I wonder, if there are no thumbnails implemented like the recent projects 
tab has. The configuration of the latter can be found in QGIS.ini, but I can't 
find anything similar for project templates. 

Though I'm aware of the menu 'Project/new from template' I would also like to 
have a button to call up this project templates frame (or the welcome page) 
again, after it has vanished by loading/beginning a project. 

Maybe someone of you has similar ideas or experiences or even a hint for a 
minimalistic python plugin for this? 


All the best
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