*Bernd Vogelgesang*
/Sat Mar 12 14:13:04 PST 2022/
So: All-string tables will not be imported correctly. Always e.g. add an
id-field with number

Hi Bernd,
this is by design: https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/1c5bc766513c4407f702bd8cd8bfa958ed61cfea/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/xlsx/ogrxlsxdatasource.cpp#L597-L598

Am 12.03.22 um 23:04 schrieb Jonas Küpper://
>/what should have fixed it as well would be to pass OGR_XLSX_HEADERS = />/FORCE 
to the provider while loading xlsx-files but a i couldn't find a />/way how to do 
that. (see https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/xlsx.html) /

Hi Jonas,
you can set a GDAL/OGR configuration option, like OGR_XLSX_HEADERS, via the "Settings" -> "Options" -> "System" -> "Environment" setting panel in QGIS.


Andrea Giudiceandrea
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