Hi Andrea,

This exists for adjacent LineString geometries already, but as far as I know not for polygons.

See "Rendering" section of the label settings and the option "Merge connected lines to avoid duplicate labels".

It would probably be possible to add this for polygons as well if someone invests into this.



On 2022-06-14 09:49, Andrea Giraldi via Qgis-user wrote:

I've appreciated the "Merged Features" renderer introduced in Layer Styling since 3.22 (or maybe sooner). My question is ifanyeone can suggest a way for a similar Merged Features style for labeling: only one label for any group of adjacent polygons with the same attribute in a field, without the necessity of dissolving the layer.
Thank you!

Andrea Giraldi

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Phd progettazione urbanistica e territoriale
via Scirocco 2 Pistoia
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