On 09/11/2022 8:53, Alister Hood via Qgis-user wrote:
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2022 11:04:02 +1300
From: "Tony Shepherd \(FarmMaps NZ\)" <t...@farmmaps.nz>
To: "'Qgis Users List'" <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] Watershed - Catchment area upstream of a point
Message-ID: <003101d8f3be$04ed8380$0ec88a80$@farmmaps.nz>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi All

I'm wanting to use a DEM/DTM to automatically map the watershed/catchment
area upstream of a known point.

Yes, Grass is preferable because the integration with QGIS works reliably.  It doesn't necessarily need more than two steps:

1. run r.watershed and output drainage direction and stream segments.  The key input parameter is "Minimum size of exterior watershed basin".  You probably also want to output unique label (a catchment map) and flow accumulation (number of cells that drain through each cell").
2. unless your point of interest happens to be at the bottom of one of the catchments already mapped, run r.water.outlet,  with the drainage direction raster as input.  When doing this, view the stream segments layer - if your point of interest is not exactly on a stream segment you need to specify instead a nearby point that is on a stream segment.


I can reaffirm Alister's suggestion. I use GRASS GIS all the time for tasks like this with the r.watershed and r.water.outlet modules.

You might prefer to learn how to use GRASS independent of QGIS: that removes one layer of possible problems.

And in any case, pay special attention to Alister's second point above: your chosen drainage point must be exactly on one of the stream lines from the first r.watershed stage.  Zoom in very close to the area of your known point, then click on the stream to get the actual X-Y coordinates for the outlet point. And use those coords in r.water.outlet.

The third issue that sometimes trips people up, (also mentioned by Alister): the input to r.water.outlet is the flow direction map from r.watershed (not the DTM)



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