*Maifredi GV*
/Tue Nov 29 09:22:21 PST 2022/
Most of the time I can’t take the vertex that I want.
It’s impossible work like this.

Hi Alessandro, it seems to me it is really simple to move a vertex.
You just need to:
- bring the pointer closer to the vertex, then a second red circle will encircle the vertex you are approaching to - if you do a left click, the vertex will be "attached" to the pointer so the vertex will move together with it - when the pointer is in a position in which you want to place the vertex, you need to do a left click so the vertex will be "detached" from te pointer and will be placed in such position
- you have now successfully moved the vertex

Also changing the parameters about the diametr of snap 12, 20 pixel or meters, 
doesn’t change….

The snapping tolerance parameter has nothing to do with the vertex editing. You can change the search radius for vertex editing just changing the homonymous option in Settings -> Options -> Map Tools -> Digitizing.

Best regards.

Andrea Giudiceandrea
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