Work sometimes throws an ESRI file geodatabase my way, almost always one
created in ArcGIS 9.3, and until today I assumed that I can only write /
update these datasets when they are created in ArcGIS 10 and above.

However today I stumbled upon this:

which clearly states:

The OpenFileGDB driver provides read, write and update access to vector
> layers of File Geodatabases (.gdb directories) created by ArcGIS 9 and
> above.

So I fired up QGIS 3.28 running on Ubuntu 22.10 and opened an ArcGIS 9.3
created file geodatabase and, sure enough, could not edit it.

I then checked the About QGIS page which indicates the GDAL/OGR version is
3.5.1 and I see reading further on the GDAL page linked above that the
"Create" functionality is new in 3.6.

Therefore, I'm wondering when we might see this surfaced in QGIS.  Can
anyone on this list give me an idea as to when this wonderful event might

Thanks in advance!

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.
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