On 4/7/23 13:36, Adam Nielsen via QGIS-User wrote:
Is there a way to permanently have them ticked, like the system plugins
are, so that I don't have to go in and re-enable them every time I load

Hi Adam,

Your preferred behavior IS the normal behavior.... so it is strange that in 
your environment QGIS behaves as is...

Normally when QGIS starts, it uses a so called 'profile folder' (see 
Settings/User Profiles/Open Active Profile folder).
QGIS saves a lot of state and information in that folder. To be precise, in the 
file (in that folder) QGIS/QGIS3.ini you find a block: [PythonPlugins] which 
has all 'activated' plugins. So next time QGIS starts it will enable those 

If this is not working for you, I could think of some reasons:
- your profile folder is read only (OR the QGIS3.ini is not writable)
- your company let you start every time with a pristine copy of your profile 
(loosing your 'ticks')
Is that possible?

If all fails: you can start qgis (on the command line) by pointing to another 
place for all profiles:
qgis --profiles-path <folder>
makes qgis start with a fresh profile in that folder

Hth, regards,

Richard Duivenvoorde

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