Hi Roxo,

You are right, I can confirm this with a very recent build of QGIS:

- with extension we ask for confirmation of overwriting
- without extension we silently overwrite an old file

Please file an issue (https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues), this seems easily 


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 7/22/23 20:21, Fernando M. Roxo da Motta via QGIS-User wrote:

   Hi all,

   Today I was exporting some QGis projects as PNG images
(project>import/export>export map to image).   At certain point I made
a mistake and repeated the name of the previous map, and QGis happily
overwrote the previous image, without asking before.  I tried to repeat
the action giving the full name of the file (map10.png) and QGis asked
for confirmation.    The difference was that the first time I gave jjust
a name, without the "extension" .png.

   It seems that even if QGis will give the default "extension" to the
filename, it does not verify the prior existence of the file after it
attach the "extension".

   This was in a QGis 3.26.0 on Linux Xubuntu 20.04.   I know that both
the QGis and system are kind of old, but if this "feature" is present
in current versions it can be cumbersome.


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