I have a QGIS problem with Google satellite images only appearing over half of 
the screen, see attached .jpg.   I am currently on version 3.28.11, BUT I have 
had this problem for quite awhile and with several other versions,,, & 3.16.8.  
I have updated through several versions, always with the same problem, so it 
doesn't seem verison related. I kept hoping a new version would fix it, but it 
has not helped.
When I move the background map around using my mouse, the whole satellite image 
briefly appears on the entire background, but when I let go of the mouse button 
and the map "settles", half of the image disappears.  It is always the right 
half of the screen that shows the satellite image and the left half that is 
white/blank, see attached .jpg.  If I move the map the formerly "blank" or 
"white" part of the satellite image will appear, but once I let go of the 
mouse, still only half of the screen (right half) will show the satellite image.
I assume something is blocking the satellite image, but if I start a new blank 
project the problem is still there, so it does not appear to be a layer in a 
current project
Admittedly, I am not very good with QGIS, so this may be a simple problem.
Can anyone help?

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