Bill and list;

On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 11:14 AM Bill Symington via QGIS-User <> wrote:

> Hello -
> I recently set up my computer Windows 10 computer as a dual boot machine
> with Windows 10 and Linux MInt 21.2. I have had QGIS on the Windows side
> for some time and wanted install it on the Linux side also. I was
> successful at installing QGIS, but I've gotten a different version than I
> have under Windows.
> Under Windows 10 I have QGIS 3.28.8-Firenze. Under Linux I have QGIS
> 3.22.4-Biatowieza. I'd prefer to have the same version under both OS's. I
> have tried reinstalling QGIS on the Linux side (to bring it up to date with
> the Windows sode) following the instructions on the QGIS Web site. I get
> the following error message.
> bill 35 ->sudo apt update
> Hit:1 stable InRelease
> Ign:2 victoria InRelease
> Hit:3 victoria Release
> Hit:4 jammy InRelease
> Hit:6 jammy-updates InRelease
> Hit:8 jammy-backports InRelease
> Hit:9 jammy-security InRelease
> Ign:7 victoria InRelease
> Err:10 victoria Release
>   404  Not Found [IP: 2606:4700:3035::ac43:8f17 443]
> Reading package lists... Done
> E: The repository ' victoria Release' does not
> have a Release file.
> N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is
> therefore disabled by default.
> N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user
> configuration details.
> bill 36 ->
> bill 36 ->
> I'm not sure how to proceed.
 You're using Linux Mint which doesn't have a distribution branded for it.
Mint "victoria" 21.2 says here that

Linux Mint 21 is based on Ubuntu 22.04. Make sure to read the Ubuntu
> release notes
> <>.

So you need to download the correct version for Ubuntu 22.04 which is
codenamed "jammy".

In your /etc/apt/sources.list.d you should have a file called qgis.sources
and I believe it should look like this:

Types: deb deb-src
Suites: jammy
Architectures: amd64
Components: main
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/qgis-archive-keyring.gpg

Yours probably currently looks like this:

Types: deb deb-src
Suites: victoria
Architectures: amd64
Components: main
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/qgis-archive-keyring.gpg

This will not work - first of all it's going to get the latest release
(that's why you need "debian-ltr") and second it is looking for code name
"victoria" which doesn't exist there (that's why you need "jammy").

I hope this gets you further up the road!
Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.
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