Hello everyone,

I am currently preparing the rollout of QGIS 3.34.6 for our administration and 
have encountered a strange and very inconsistent behaviour when opening project 
files from our network drives (Windows):

When double-clicking on such a project tile on the welcome page, the error 
"Unable to unzip file '<file path to project.qgz>'" is displayed and the 
project does not open.

If you try it via the selection in the menu 'Project - Open recent' you get the 
same result.

If you use 'Open project' (Ctrl+O) to open the Windows File Explorer and select 
the QGZ in question, it works. 

If you close the project and then click again on its 'Recent projects' entry on 
the welcome page or in the 'Recently used' menu, this also works now.

However, if you wait a while (approx. 1-2 minutes) before clicking on a recent 
link, it does not work any more!
The time can also elapse while the project is open, i.e. closing the project 
and then clicking on the recent link does not work (any more).

First I thought, that saving or re-saving a QGZ with QGIS 3.34 would solve the 
problem, but today I encounter the same phenomenon on 3.34-QGZs, which I saved 
a few days ago.

Furthermore, if the link to a project on the welcome page does not work and I 
then touch (i.e. single click) this qgz-file via the Windows file explorer, the 
recent link in QGIS works afterwards.

User profiles or age or version of the QGZ do not seem to play a role. All of 
this cannot be reproduced with QGIS 3.28 using the same project-files.

So, there seems to be a strange interference between QGIS 3.34 and the access 
to our network drives, which could become quite a blocker for our rollout. Only 
local QGZ are not affected.
What do you think, has anyone heard of similar phenomena? I am grateful for any 

Best regards

QGIS-DE e.V. | https://qgis.de | tho...@qgis.de
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