Hi QGISers,

I just came from a conference on wildlife conservation and I met a
person whose interested in buying ESRI Arcview for their simple
mapping needs.

I told them about QGIS and we then walked into their lab.  Good thing
I always have a copy of FOSS GIS for MSWin (qgis, GRASS, udig,
gpsbabel, etc.).

I then installed QGIS, asked for a file of GPS readings.  Showed them
how to load them in QGIS, added a few shapefiles.  And instantly they
like it!

From the Desktop, I saw a Google Earth icon and told them the EULA
restriction of the free GE version.  Afterwhich I demonstrated the

I told them in ain't pirated it's free (beer & speech) and the
community is very accomodating

Now we have a new QGIS user!  Next target is to show them how to use
the GRASS plugin.


| __.-._  |"Ohhh. Great warrior. Wars not make one great." -Yoda     |
| '-._"7' |"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden|
|  /'.-c  |Linux registered user #402901, http://counter.li.org/     |
|  |  /T  |http://esambale.wikispaces.com|
| _)_/LI  |http://www.geocities.com/esambale/philbiodivmap/philbirds.html   |
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