On 12 Aug 2003 at 0:09, Thierry Godefroy wrote:
> PS: I happen to remember someone mentionning the port of lwIP or uIP for
> SMSQ/E. Does it work ?  If yes, where to get it ?

I don't know if someone else has also used lwIP, but my TCP/IP 
suite QLwIP for QDOS Classic is based on that. Working so far:

- Ethernet (currently only 75 kBytes/sec as a result of the 20 
ms job-scheduling raster)
- ICMP echo
- TCP echo
- My simple single-job/multi-connect Webserver (including PUT 
method for file upload to save the need for FTP)
- A modified version of Jonathan Hudson's QPOP3, I currently 
work to include SMTP
- Internal simplified BSD style C API including select()

PPP seems just a matter of time, since it has recently been 
included in lwIP. QLwIP currently has the restriction that jobs 
which use it can only be removed together with the whole stack. 
So far it is not a good choice for commandline tools which are 
repeatedly called and quit.

It will take time until I release it. QLwIP might become a 
GPL'ed part of an open source OS, i.e. QDOS Classic or Minerva, 
not SMSQ/E.

All the best

      • ... pgraf
        • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
          • ... Peter Graf
            • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
          • ... Richard Zidlicky
            • ... pgraf
              • ... Phoebus R. Dokos
              • ... Richard Zidlicky
  • ... Peter Graf
    • ... Thierry Godefroy
  • ... Tony Firshman
    • ... Peter Graf
      • ... Tony Firshman
  • ... pgraf
    • ... Phoebus R. Dokos

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