The Gilpins wrote:
> The Stop Press attachment didn't seem to go through (at least it didn't
> comeback to me so I am copying it here:
> Update on AGM Workshop in Manchester, April 17th/18th
> Opening 1.00pm on Saturday.
> Dinner 7.30 for 8.00pm
> Sunday 10.00 am - AGM time TBA
> A reminder to all Quanta members
>  If you do not attend the AGM, who will hear your opinions??
  I am sorry to say myself, Diana and Arnold Clarke cannot attend, the
journey and cost was to much. The Tulip Inn only delivered their brochure
today which we had asked for weeks ago. It revealed (to late) that they 
have weekend breaks for 45 pounds per night rather than the advertised 
70 pounds price. Central Trains, who my past experience has found to be 
the worst railway operator in East Anglia, had short trains, this meant 
no cheap seats.
  At the AGM could someone raise the point about the thinness of Quanta 
magazine, however I do support the magazine. Hope you all have a lovely
time, do not forget to see the reconstruction of the SSEM (the first real 
computer) at the Manchester Museum of Science & Industry, I am envious.

                       Tarquin Mills 

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