On  Tue, 4 May 2004 at 20:17:09, Davide Santachiara wrote:

>Hello Tony,
>> See my web site for photos uploaded at the show, and the amazing
>> internet setup.
>Thanks for your fast show reporting... ;)
>I'd like just to mention that on your web page http://www.firshman.co.u
>k/photos.htm you have written Reggio Emilio while the correct name is
>Reggio Emilia ("a" final).
>Having said that I remember that the name derives from "Marco Emilio
>Lepido" who was an important politician at the time of Romans (console
>in Italian). So the correct name maybe should be Reggio Emilio and not
>Reggio Emilia...
Thanks - oddly I got the detailed page right (or was it wrong (8-)# )
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