On  Wed, 2 Jun 2004 at 08:31:36, Dave P wrote:

>On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, P Witte wrote:
>> The spammers will soon figure this one out (if they havent already - its too
>> regular). Good idea, though (for collecting email addresses ;)
>It doesn't matter if they do figure it out. They simply can't be bothered
>to parse pages for blocks of four characters where the first and last
>match '&xx;' - they can't expend the resources, and they also know that
>you've made an effort to conceal your email in a 'sophisticated' way that
>means they know you're spam aware and know how to automate spam filtering.
>The most effective way to avoid this is simply to use a form on your site,
>but that's clumsy.
Why clumsy?

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