On  Sun, 25 Jul 2004 at 20:05:13, Michael Berger wrote:

>Hi out there
>It is now maybe two years since I started scanning old QL magazines,
>sometimes there is really amazing information but until today I never found
>a more amazing piece of code than the following one  -  both how it is done
>technically (recursion) and the graphical effect.
> I really wonder if A. Pritchard is still around in the QL scene - the idea
>to draw a tree recursively just knocks me out - why doesn't the ole man from
>heaven give me the inspiration to invent such great things :-(
>The reason for this posting: I really wonder if someone out there also has
>something special: a stunning effect from some simple (at the first)
>SuperBasic code?
Yes - the winner (and runner up - same person) of a QL World graphics
competition will probably beat this one (I haven't run this one as I am
in the US)

It used data statements, turtle graphics and masses of re-entrant code.

It is on my BBS - dragon_zip in, urmm, probably general area.
QBBS files list:

I think it only runs on a QL with 128k ram.

(tree code snipped)
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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