As Jochen says MENU_REXT is not free, but is supplied with QD and other programs. 

MENU_REXT is supplied on the Q60 Software Package, which royalties are paid for the 
software inclusion. 

The Q60 and Q40 support disks never had MENU_REXT supplied for that reason. 

Why not do like I did and buy MENU_REXT out right and then get all the documentation 
to support all the great features of MENU_REXT. 

Read past issues of QL Today for documentation on SERNET and how to set up the 
network... is it worth another article I wonder or is the subject all "articled" out.


On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 12:58:04 +0200
SMSQ - Jochen Merz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tarquin Mills wrote:
> > Marcel Kilgus wrote:
> > 
> >>Michael Berger wrote:
> >>
> >>>Completely agree. Having the configuration information within the 
> >>>executable file itself is a messy and error prone thing.
> >>
> >>Why's that? What's error prone about this? And once you're used to
> >>this, it's actually a piece of cake. Level 2 is especially nice
> >>because it can update new versions of an application to the old
> >>configuration. Very convenient.
> >>
> >>Anyway, sorry for the dumb question, but isn't both Menu_rext and
> >>MenuConfig provided on the QPC disc? I might be wrong, I don't put the
> >>disc contents together and haven't seen an original disc in ages, but
> >>I thought this was the case.
> > 
> > Menu_rext is not on the Q60 support discs for the same reasons, so I need
> > a copy to. Has there ever been a version of Sernet for non QL computers
> > and is there enough documentation in the public domain for anybody to 
> > write one?
> Well, Menu_rext is not freeware, to start with. Everybody is welcome
> to bundle it with his product for a small royalty fee. This is how it
> was in the past, and this will even apply to brandnew products like QDT.
> Nobody has approached me to have it bundled on the Q40/Q60 support 
> disks, so it is no surprise it is not on there...
> but everybody is welcome to ask!
> And yes, it was not originally on the QPC disk as QPC did not have
> Level 2 right from the start, if I remember correctly. And when it
> had been implemented by Marcel, I simply forgot to add it.
> Mind you, all of the QPC customers seem to have other products
> containing menu, as there was not a single complaint over the years.
> I remember very well that at this time, QPC1 was also on the disk
> and it was completely full - we had to remove stuff.
> Probably about time to deliver QPC2 on CD...
> Jochen
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