----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users] there must be a fashion lable...

> This reminds me - some time ago I asked if anyone was planning on doing a
> 'History of the QL' type mini exhibition for the QL celebration events
> as QL2004, anyone had any thoughts on this?

We are having a little look back at QL history at QL2004, but not in the
structured way you suggest. Perhaps a good theme for QL2005, if it comes.
The last thinking about QL2005 was that it should perhaps be combined with
an early Quanta AGM  late winter or early spring next year. If this goes
ahead the planning schedule will be tight.

Can you remind us of your previous thoughts? Anyone else interested in
developing the idea?

Best Wishes,
Geoff Wicks


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