On  Thu, 23 Sep 2004 at 19:30:17, gwicks wrote:

>I have been in touch with the Eindhoven Tourist Office. They are expecting
>the hotels in Eindhoven to be busy in the weekend of QL2004.
>This is because of:
>Alex Tennis Classics Tournament
>The Design Week
>Tromp Bienalle Festival
>Exchange with residents of Hasselt
>This also means there will be little chance of special rates. My advice is
>to book hotels in advance or consider trying another city. It is easy to get
>to Eindhoven by car or public transport from most Dutch cities,

I used www.hotels.nl just now and got a triple room in Novotel off the
A2 (near the airport) for E70.50.  Single rooms are E60.
Despite Geoff's pessimism, these were discounted by 50%.

Triples are cheaper than doubles!

Roy and I stayed there last time, and the breakfast is excellent.

The hotel's 'details' page says breakfast is E14.
It is free (or was last time) for internet bookings.
They still have free rooms.

It is very quick to get to the meeting the motorway route.  I wouldn't
advise going through the the town unless you know the way!

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