Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
>> Thanks. Actually QPC2 v3.21 will even be 10-15% faster. :-)
> C'me on, don't let it hang like that, we (I) want more details!!!!

The m68k core code is basically very old and recently I have continued
to clean it up, i.e. add some comments, change old comments that still
were in German (I've switched to commenting in English ages ago, just
shows how old some parts are) and so on.

Then I started playing around with it. Since 3.20 I use a different
assembler which gives me more control of the alignment of code, which
can be an important speed factor. The bigger the alignment the better
the processor can access the code, but bigger alignment also means
bigger code, which in turn is bad for the cache... it's a delicate

Then I did re-evaluate some alternative implementations of some
commands I did some years ago. Processors have changed since then,
caches got bigger etc, so code that previously was slower can be
faster now.

Finally I did re-optimize the main emulation loop for more current
processors (which is only 8 instructions big, but the instruction and
memory access order is very important), which actually gave the
biggest boost.


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