On  Fri, 8 Oct 2004 at 11:32:06,  wrote:

>I recall when he got that Nissan 300ZX Turbo Sports car - bought entirely
>with DP proceeds.

Did he tell you the story?
There were plenty of similar Nissans about with a slightly different
names.  This one was top of the range and worth, at the time £22,000. He
got it for £17,000 because the salesman thought it was the cheaper

Were you there when he did wheelies around a car park after a QL show -
Leyland I think - soon after he got the car?

There are many stories about Freddy and cars.

On a Brussels trip in my new car, I was going around Brussel's ring
approaching 100mph and worrying about the speed.  Freddy in the front
seat kept grabbing my arm and saying 'faster, faster'.

.... and he did.

He delighted in oft repeating the story about his drive from Dover to
Chingford in some ridiculously fast time.  I forget what it was but take
it from me, it was ridiculous.  "Didn't you get stopped by the police"
"They couldn't keep up".  He said he was doing 175 on the M2, and I
really do believe him.

He once visited Paddington to help stuff envelopes.  We walked the 1/2
mile from the car park on the other side of Paddington Basin.  He was
completely out of breath.  He later demanded a lift back to the car
park.  He needed to follow me back to the house (with 4 year old Ben in
the passenger seat).  Driving down the side of Paddington Station on a
1/2 mile straight stretch, a car got between us.  I saw him in the
mirror at great speed overtaking on the wrong side of a keep left sign.
He was that sort of driver.  He said he got to 65 mph, and I believe
him.  Ben called it a racing car for months.

I wonder if he still survives - if he carried on like that he would have
a short life (out of prison that is!).

>Indeed - he was a qualified accountant after all, and still is. His ads
>were great - I remember his finding out Digital Precision was an anagram of
>"the pride is in our logic" or something similar, and using it to death.
>I also remember a QL World article were he said he'd spent a few hundred
>manhours getting the cursor in perfection to flash just right - pure
>rubbish of course, but it sounded good.
>><An incredibly large snip>
>>Do -please- get rid of mess (esp the BOE disclaimer (8-)# ).
>I know. I can't stop that ridiculous disclaimer going out - its appended
>centally just prior to sending.
>>My mailer has a nice feature where <space> moves seamlessly through all
>>unread messages, but is defeated by the 300 odd lines of irrelevant
>>(and that is ignoring the bandwidth and storage implications).
>Ok, I forgot this time - I usually do reduce the amount of quoting on the
 Well it is the thought that counts ( 8 - )#

In any case you had nothing much to snip - I had already done it!

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