----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marcel Kilgus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Perfection etc. etc.

> gwicks wrote:
> > A more recent case is EasyPtr. You cannot use this with the new colours.
> I just came off the phone with Albin. In the course of the
> conversation we recognised that we would have met tomorrow anyway at a
> wedding of a mutual friend, so I will have some time to talk to him
> and sort this out.
> Any requests, suggestions?

Thanks Marcel. I think we need to know he would agree to a wider
distribution of your version of EasyPtr. We would have to decide if this
should be a charged or an free upgrade. (My feeling is that it is a
significant upgrade and therefore should be charged, but then you would have
to work out something about division of the income.)

Can I also suggest that if Albin is interested in meeting old friends at
QL2004, you could have a little "German speaking huddle" of yourself, Albin,
Jochen and possibly Wolfgang Uhlig who has good experience of using your
EasyPtr upgrade to sort the details out?

Best wishes,
Geoff Wicks

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