I may be about to answer my own questions here..

Looking at other assembly that does use this call, the examples do match the usage in the documentation. I suspect that I fell for the old 'believing what you read' thing without thinking it out. I bet that this does not recurse through the full tree on its own in most cases. Will try to do some recursion (will check on a hand drawn tree) and see if that does it.

Any suggestions in the meantime would of course be welcome.


On Oct 22, 2004, at 1:59 AM, James Hunkins wrote:


Another question for all the wonderful brilliant readers...

I am trying to scan and get all the jobs names running. In C68 I am using the mt_jinf call which is the direct wrapper to the assembly call. According to the documentation, if I set the jobid and the topofthetree job both to 0, then it should keep scanning and find every job.

Well, sometimes it does, depending on what and/or how many jobs I have running. But this seems to be an exception to the rule.

When it is done going through the tree, it sets the jobid to 0 again (IE: SuperBasic job) and then would start over if I let it keep going.

What it seems to do is to prematurely return with the jobid set back to 0.

I see that the assembly call is used within SMSQ/E for the jobs command which seems to work just fine.

Is there something that the documentation isn't saying? Or perhaps the documentation is incorrect. The code for jobs in SMSQ/E seems to be using the registers a bit differently than I would expect.

Any help, anyone?


As an alternate, perhaps someone has a better way (even though I eventually need this for one of the new jobs control application for QDT) of doing my immediate requirements. I need to be able to search find find the jobid for a specific application which I know by name. Is there an easier way to get this?


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