Well we use BTs 1 meg ADSL, which is not brilliant, but does the job. Skype
which we have used since first available is first class, I talk to people in
every corner of the globe with perfect clarity, only time I have noticed
pauses is when using conference global calls, and downloading/uploading at
same time. I do notice that places like West of USA( MS country, Washington
State) that they seem to use 56K connections, which pause for 10 secs at a
time if downloading at same time. The only other prob I have noticed, is if
the other party is on a satellite connection, then it either sends or
receives, but not both at same time.

Mike MacNamara
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marcel Kilgus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Skype

> Mike MacNamara wrote:
> > The only pauses we get are when there are large downloads at same time,
> > other than that it is better than landlines.
> Now I really do start wondering how bad the landlines in the UK are!
> Germany has had a fully digitalized net for about a decade, never had
> a connection that was worse than Skype.
> Marcel
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