----- Original Message ----- From: "Tony Firshman"
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL Meeting in Spain

Careful it is not too near the Quanta AGM.  That clashed with the US
show last year.
I don't know whether a date for the AGM is fixed.
There is nothing on the website (www.quanta.org.uk).
It doesn't even mention the Byfleet Quanta workshop in a few weeks.

Geoff - is anything fixed, and why is there nothing on the website?

Why should I know? I am only a committee member!!!!!

Seriously, now you know why I have been jumping up and down screaming for the last few weeks.

At the last committee meeting on Saturday 23 May 2004 (sic) the proposal was that there would be an early AGM in February probably in a hotel somewhere in the South East combined with QL2005. As you well know since then nothing happened until Dilwyn's intervention.

Like I said to you a month or so ago. It is not what happens in Quanta committee meetings, but what happens, or more accurately does not happen, outside the meetings that is the problem!


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