Geoff Wicks wrote:
> In other words two thirds of the committee can be passive and get away with
> it. The result is that you have disasters like the famous Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan
> 2003/2004 magazine. It was easy to make Paul Merdinian the scapegoat for
> this. In fact the committee were far more culpable than they admitted.
> Another victim was QL2004 and now it is QL2005. If members want QL2005 
> then they will have to work for it and not just wait for the committee 
> to do something. I have promised to do the organisation of the 
> publicity and programme, but someone else has to organise the venue, 
> catering and facilities. (This is a recognition of my own areas of 
> strength and weakness.)
> Let me remind everyone once again that the Quanta subscription is 
> currently £4 per year higher than is necessary to run the 
> organisation. If Quanta are not prepared to spend this £4 on QL2005, 
> what are they going to spend it on?
> I hear rumblings that could mean a robust AGM. For example, a 
> resolution to reduce the subscription or to demand that Quanta 
> organise and finance QL2005. There have even been suggestions of a 
> coup d'etat.

There are other things the £4 could be spent on, like making the magazine
colour, projects like printer software, a better SGC or a lottery bid
for a portable case, USB, ethernet etc. etc. I think Quanta members are 
price innerlastic and therefore after over 10 years at £14 we should be 
raising the price. How many members will the reduction to £10 generate, 
have you got a plan to target poor QLers and potential poor QLers (say 
a free QL scheme)? Does the £14/£17 cost differential have to be kept?
Lets not fade away.

> Please do not use this as an excuse to leave Quanta. We still need an 
> organisation like Quanta, but it has to start working more effectively. 
> Think carefully what you would like Quanta to become and make your 
> voice known at the next AGM.

If I can get to it, I wanted to be at this years AGM, after the 4 month
magazine episode.
> [snipped bit about QL2005]

While on the subject of shows is ORSAM 2004 going to be covered in the
                       Tarquin Mills

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