On 20 Nov 2004 at 10:22, Roy wood wrote:

>. If you say, 'I 
> have written this but I don't know how to take this further' then that 
> is reasonable. If you say, 'I have written this and it does all I need 
> so I am stopping now' when you are capable of taking it a bit further 
> and helping the rest of the users then you place yourself in the 
> position of not being able to ask for help in other areas.

<provocation mode> Will I want to?</provocation mode>

> - well morally 
> anyway. This was what I was trying to say.

Oh, and incidentally, I mainly agree with you. I just thought I'd produce an 
outcry to see exactly where we are going. In this, I failed miserably.

More seriously, this sort of thing we are trying to do has, to my knowledge 
never happended before in the QL world, except for SMSQ/E.

What we need are some clearly defined goals and specifications (i.e we need 
to produce THIS software with THESE features functioning in THAT way). 
Joachim is on the way to define these specs pretty nicely - some more effort 
there, and we'll have a starting point. 

Then, somebody needs to take charge and parcel out the work to those who want 
it. On another level, this is exactly what Geoff did with QL 2004 (and many 
of us don't really realise how much we owe him for that, and how much of the 
success of QL 2004 was his!).

So we need someone in charge (NOT me) who keeps bullying people to their part 
of the work. These people are supposed to do this for the "good of the 
community" - because it certainly won't be for a financial reward (let's not 
kid ourselves here, Quanta financing of something like that will never 

The problem with this is that, we, as a community, are not! We're no 
community but rather a loose collection of individuals with, at some time, 
some common interest - which for many has been waning over the years...

So what "power" does the person in charge have to "make" the others do what 
is needed? If he doesn't have that "power" is the project realistic at all?



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