David Tubbs wrote:
> Quite understandable, there seem to be many more knockers than 
> constructivists here. All my inputs here have generated are facile denials 
> of my assertion that no one is without access to the www. If your 
> troglodyte BC chooses not to avail himself then that his choice.

  Tony could put a question on the questionnaire to see if there are any
people wanting a QL ISP, asking NTL for info for setting up a Q60
is not fun, while Sonow does not support CHAP. Arnie is considering using 
such a service, which maybe of use to other platforms. 
  As for new hardware, it might be possible to piggy back a 68030 and
68882 on a SGC, Th0r 21 style.

                       Tarquin Mills

ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society)
QL-Users Mailing List

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