On Nov 24, 2004, at 1:54 PM, Tarquin Mills wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Duncan Neithercut wrote:
3. If the site contains the magazine in downloadable format offer
an opt-out from the postal paper copy with email notification of new
issues - may save some money from those of us with internet access
Sell magazine from site to non members (get their credit card numbers).
Only once it becomes interesting again of course see below.

If Quanta magazine is available on the Internet the number of paper copies will fall, if they are printed this will make it uneconomical to continue to print it. If there is no paper magazine I will resign and subscribe to QL Today instead.

There is also the question of critical mass, period. If there aren't enough people belonging to Quanta, then it won't make sense whether it is paper or internet based.

If there is enough new and/or unique content, I don't mind having a paper copy around. On the other hand with the extra cost of an overseas subscription and the small value of the current mag (it takes me around 10-15 minutes on average to scan through it and get anything that I can use or am not aware of - sorry to say), an internet copy would probably do me better than the paper copy.

Hopefully this will change.

By the way, before someone says why don't you write for Quanta, my hands are over-full with QDT development and the occasional article for QL Today.

And if you don't think that you can write, if you subscribe to QL Today you will see a series of articles on graphics. I believe this particular series started when I and a few others pushed a particular gentleman to try to write something. He didn't think that he had anything to write about. And now 30 to 40 articles later... :)

Whether it be for QL Today or Quanta, I sure wish that more people would try their hand. I suspect that there is a bunch more talent just sitting around waiting for encouragement!


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