On Friday 26 November 2004 23:44, Tony Firshman wrote:

> I have 60 replies to the questionnaire.
> Are you missing some?

Yes - I did not add in the 25 that you sent in one go.

> Don't manually process the emailed ones, as I will give you an archive
> database.
> What are we to do with the paper ones?
> I guess they have to be added to the database manually .  I guess we
> could leave off the written comments initially.

For each that I phone and persuade to let me upload I will fill in the webform 
including the comments.
It may take me some time, but the data is the valuable bit. Once we have that, 
then everyone else can decide what should be done.
> How many paper forms have you had?

Just four, but that is about the earliest possible with the post.

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